
6 technological integrations to improve customer service5 min read

mejorar el servicio al cliente

mejorar el servicio al cliente

Consumers are becoming more demanding every day, that’s why keeping up with them is a challenge. In this sense, technology is the only tool capable of responding to the need for immediacy of new customers, because it allows companies to streamline the purchasing process or customer loyalty with the support of automation and standardization of protocols.

Here are 6 technological integrations that you can include in your organization to improve customer service.

The demands of today’s customer, a challenge for organizations

In the 21st century, we live in constant and rapid change. Therefore, you must adapt to this reality to meet the expectations of your users, whose demands go in unison with the rhythm of the world.

Today’s customer is hyper-connected and subject to large amounts of information. Also, as a result of this globalization, these new profiles are not willing to waste their time, much less settle for deficient and depersonalized customer service.

Modern users are characterized by:

  • To be easier to attract than to retain. That’s why innovation in your purchasing and service processes is crucial. This will also increase your profits.
  • Value experience over all things. What’s more, according to Gartner, “64% of people think the customer experience is more important than price”.
  • Buy an idea and an experience, beyond a product or service.
  • To be non-conformist and demanding. A negative experience is enough to no longer trust your business.
  • Prefer online contact, because it is faster and easier.
  • Search your company on social networks.
  • Without a doubt, this is an unprecedented challenge. In it, your speed of response, ease of access and effectiveness in the solutions will be the key to not fail. However, it is not impossible and there are mechanisms that can help you in this process.

6 technological integrations to improve customer service

Optimizing enterprise IT applications is an essential task in overcoming these new customer service demands. Here we show you 6 essential integrations.

mejorar el servicio al cliente

# 1 Self-Service and Knowledge Base

Being in contact with your customers is a task that demands time and dedication. Doing so becomes easier with self-service tools and knowledge base; as they provide immediate solutions and empower the user.



This integration is extremely useful in the financial field and B2B companies because it provides:

  • One previous knowledge base, which helps to generate immediate responses
  • Technical guidance, tutorials, tips and FAQs at the click of a mouse
  • Community forums, where clients can share their ideas and improve processes

# 2 Modern help desk

With help desk tools it is easier to automate IT tasks. In other words, managing your business will no longer be an uphill task. This type of software helps you manage your digital assets with a focus on the end user experience. The modern help desk offers total control over the following elements:

  • Incidents
  • Problems
  • Changes
  • Catalog of services
  • Launchings
  • Assets

In addition, having this type of support will help you work automated and efficiently, thus accelerating your workflows. With the help desk, your tasks and events are ranked and classified by themselves.

# 3 Chatbots

Giving immediate answers and generating intelligent conversations with your users will add points to their experience. And this is where the chatbots come in.

chatbots para el servicio al cliente

With this program, attracting potential users is simple and effective. This is achieved because it allows you to maintain interaction in real time, which will be essential to know their profiles better, answer their questions quickly and improve the branding through:

  • Messaging Channels
  • Live Chats
  • 24/7 Active Attention Bots



It should be noted that these services also generate intelligent reports and are easily adapted to other applications and websites.

# 4 CRM

The CRM software is ideal for organizing tasks, improving your sales, organizing leads, and increasing the rate of return on your campaigns. The sum of all these factors will help you provide an unforgettable customer experience.
This is achieved because the objective of these platforms is to manage your relationship with the customer, through specialized tools that seek to capture potential customers and build loyalty to those who already opted for your company.

This process is characterized by:

  • Select contact information in detail
  • To make personalized reports, from own filters, arranged according to the characteristics of the client.
  • Automate work, reducing the time it takes users to complete tasks
  • Track marketing campaigns to delimit what works and what doesn’t

# 5 Call Center in the cloud

Call centers remain one of the most requested customer services. Today they are hosted in the cloud, which reduces the costs and maintenance required.

call center

Generally, this type of software allows you:

  • Make national and international calls
  • Work with a central and personalized board
  • Access a history of customer interactions, which can make it easier for you to control information
  • Recording and storing calls

In themselves, these programs are ideal for ensuring good service, without having to invest in expensive infrastructure.

# 6 Secure Remote Access

Today, having access to information anytime, anywhere is a necessity. That’s why secure remote access tools are becoming more and more indispensable; they allow your remote employees (home office or freelancers) to communicate with the customer at all times and connect your devices to each other without compromising the security of the corporate network.

These platforms also improve workflow; organize tasks; create calendars and shortcuts, making it easier to accomplish tasks. They also allow you to communicate through:

  • Shared-screen
  • Session recordings
  • Virtual whiteboards
  • Chatbots

As you can see, there is a wide variety of tools to improve customer service. However, you must select the software that best meets the needs of your prospects and consumers. Once this is done, testing is essential, as well as implementing changes in a scalable manner.

At GB Advisors we are experts in front-end service innovation. Contact us to purchase the most efficient software.

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