Far behind are the days when educative centers recorded every process in notebooks, and stored every file in metal cabinets.
Nowadays, there are technological solutions for Management & Protection of Sensitive Data in Education Centers.
In fact, this makes sense: Education has become accessible to the masses and has turned more technified. As such, is logic that processes and records in education centers keep pace with them.
In consequence, every semester brings zillions of bits in sensitive data to create/update/file. And work teams who manage education centers must share them.
Then, that image of cabinets full of handwritten papers, is practically a vintage photo postcard. Nonetheless, there still exist.
Believe it or not, there still are education centers that use this old fashioned method to manage & protect sensitive data.
In such cases, zeal surrounding the office that guards those hallowed cabinets scratches paranoia: Protocols in abundance, limited access, bars and locks in the middle. Everything to make harder the access to sensitive data.
Such management model affects negatively every process, but especially the time employed to update and file all the new information.
And it’s even worse to deliver such information to whoever needs it.
If this is your case, it’s time to change your model.
In this sense, the smartest answer for the Management & Protection of Sensitive Data in your Education Centers is installing technical solutions hosted in The Cloud.
In this post, we want to clarify your doubts and concerns. So, keep reading.
Advantages of using Management & Protection of Sensitive Data in Education Centers
Self-Service Knowledge Management and Service Catalog
Creating a simple website encourages cooperation for solving common problems.
In other words, you won’t need to hire experts for solving frequent problems.
So, you won’t see anymore your students running along behind their teachers for dates and exams.
Asset Management
New solutions also allow to keep inventory of all your IT assets.
Among other things, this helps you to keep updated your hardware, software, configuration elements and upgrades/updates.
They also allows you to track your assets through their life cycle.
Incident Management
Solutions for Management & Protection of Sensitive Data in Education Centers unifies all the answers from all sources in a one-stop Internet portal.
Thus, it’s easier to follow up every incident, assign priorities and automatize processes to solve them up.
Same, every solved incident or question automatically becomes in file for the Knowledge Base.
As result, every time somebody makes similar questions, the answer will be automatically delivered.
Genuine savings
When installing solutions for Management & Protection of Sensitive Data in Education Centers, you don’t need to invest extra money in new devices, or hiring experts to manage them.
Every data gets automatically processed and stored in The Cloud.
This grants you full access from everywhere, anytime. Same, it vanishes the risks of losing your information.
It’s really easy taking informed decisions regarding the processed data, because these solutions generate complete reports, automatically.
Same, you can present reporting on performance of your teachers and students. Like this, you recognize their efforts and encourage productivity.
Smart automation of processes
When installing smart solutions for the Management & Protection of Sensitive Data in Education Centers, it won’t be necessary to have somebody expressly devoted to give maintenance to your systems.
You can automatize predictable routines and create workflows that simplifies support and maintenance.
Mobile Support
New solutions for Education Centers provide mobile applications for support.
They’re friendly, ready to use, and gives automatic answers from/to mobile devices.
What other advantages can we offer?
Change Management in your educative center
- Ready-made answers and automatized incorporation of new topics
- Customer satisfaction surveys
- Google Apps integration
And of course, Security comes first!
Security must be comprehensive across all layers of the system for:
- Data encryption
- Protection against threats and internal & external attacks
- Data loss prevention and automatic back-ups
- Compliance of Security Policies
- Give priority to access and data management, in accordance to the User’s Profile
In short, installing a solution for management & protection of sensitive data in education centers, makes you capable to render better and faster service.
Furthermore, you’ll always have at hand the information you and your employees need, and give more efficient service to your students, employees and providers.
As you’ll solve better and faster every issue and request, your customer’s satisfaction will increase… and so it will the prestige of your institution.
And forget for good about annoying protocols for the management & protection of sensitive data in your education center!
Every update will be safe and automatically backed-up in The Cloud.
Check our options for installation, set-up and tech support for the Management & Protection of Sensitive Data in Education Centers.