SC Magazine, reference in news in cyber security, industry insight and cyber security product review; recently analyzed Alienvault. In its review, SC Magazine has given its highest score (5/5) in the items: Documentation; Price-quality Ratio; Performance; Support; and Ease of Use.
In this sense, SC Magazine recognizes that AlienVault, UTM platform (Unified Threat Management); count with the best credentials for comprehensive threat detection due its blending of firewall, antivirus, anti-spyware, intrusion detection and prevention, anti-spam, leakage prevention and content filtering.
Then, SC Magazine’s lab experts gave themselves the task of install and testing the tool to verify its proficiency, and they were satisfied with results.
Set up and UTM
In the first place, the experts applied some of their tests on the tool, and everyone agrees that AlienVault’s set up and deployment is pretty easy and in only half an hour; it was already online, totally configured and analyzing data.
Then, this is a good sample of an excellent UTM that allows you to drill as deep as you want. in your network. However, AlienVault is more than an UTM because it count on asset detection; vulnerability management; intrude detection; network behavior monitoring and SIEM log management.
Also, AlienVault counts with a virtual appliance version that runs whether in VM Ware or Hyper-V. Same, it has a version deployable in server.
Alienvault is a comprehensive tool that compiles and give threat intelligence while feeding the Open Threat Exchange (OTX).
In like manner, this adds value in several levels because it provides provee vulnerability indicators on continuous basis.
Regarding to AlienVault’s SIEM; SC Magazine’s experts agree in its excellence because, among other things, it also includes first-class ticketing and incident management systems.
Anyway, its most attractive feature resides in its forensic labs; which includes encryption resources forensically preserved.
Same, it has remarkable SIEM functions that includes syslog consolidation, Window; event log; CEF; SySQL; MS SQL and NetFlows. Equally, clients count on agent or agent-less host and netword for intrude detection.
Additionally, AlienVault uses 3,500 built-in “correlation directives” for threat correlation; each one consisting in one or more correlation rules. Also, this commands are constantly updated through the Intelligence Threat Subscription.
Likewise, reporting is one of its most remarkable features. AlienVault possesses hundreds of customizable pre-loaded reports; and it includes specific compliance formats such as PCI, DSS, GLBA and HIPAA.
It has more than 2,600 basic customizable report modules preloaded in the same spot. However, it is necessary to keep in mind the alert protocols, which need to be activated/deactivated for each configuration.
Tech Support
Moreover, SC Magazine’s experts praise AlienVault’s Tech Support. During its set up and deployment, the experts faced some tech issues that were immediatly scalated and solved by AlienVault’s agents.
AlienVault in few words
Finally, this analysis ends with the best words, which we pleasently bring you for best understanding:
AlienVault is fast; has a solid log event correlation; counts with first-class forensic analysis and a bunch of positive features at best pricing.
The experts didn’t find any weaknesses in AlienVault.
For all the above reasons, SC Magaizne’s experts approve and give their highgest score for this tool on 2017’s review: 5 stars. In consequence, this is the Best UTM of the year, with special features that makes it highly attractive.
And GB Advisors puts this tool at your fingertips to guarantee your digital security, with the additional back up and support that we offer.